

发布时间: 2024-05-12 22:20:35北京青年报社官方账号





And though Amazon hasn’t stepped forward to slap its name on a local sports stadium the way other companies do, it has spread some money around. In 2013, Bezos gave million to the Museum of History & Industry to establish a Center for Innovation in his name. Just last week the company showed off a new 8-story homeless shelter it built into one of its office towers in coordination with Mary’s Place.


Analysts said a new trend in Chinese companies' going global was that more SMEs were attracted to overseas markets.


And once infected, health officials say the chronically homeless are more likely to get much sicker or die because of underlying medical conditions and a lack of reliable health care.


And when we first wrote that, the reaction by so many in the tech sector, perhaps especially in Silicon Valley, but up here in Seattle, as well, was like, “What did they put in the water on the other side of Lake Washington? What’s wrong with you folks? Why are you saying this needs to be regulated? There’s no problem here.” And then within a year, the city of San Francisco passed an ordinance that bars the city of San Francisco from using facial recognition. You see concerns about it literally spreading around the world. So that’s happened very quickly.


And Rice, who was mayor for eight years ending in 1997, the year that Amazon went public, says that large, successful corporations do have a responsibility that extends beyond providing jobs and serving their customers and shareholders. He urges companies like Amazon to choose important issues to focus on and commit to them.


